University of Durham

BSc (Hons) in Computer Science
Modules Taken: Formal Aspects of Computer Science; Computer Systems; Programming and Data Structures; Electronic Engineering 1a; Data Analysys, Modelling and Simulation; Software Applications; Functional Programming and Artificial Intelligence; Software Engineering; Logic, Grammar and Software Tools; Computer Systems II; Managing the IT Business; Real Time Computing and Concurrency; Advanced Software Engineering; Project (Web Site Evaluation Metrics)

During my 3 years at the University of Durham I was involved with some student organisations outside of my studies.

In my second year I joined the Durham University Computing Society. During the 3rd term I was elected onto the executive committee of the Society in the role of Secretary for the 2001-2002 academic year. This role involved conducting correspondence with members, the Students' Union and external organisations. I was also responsible for maintaining the membership list, producing lists of events and also a small amount of administration work on the Society's Linux server. I was also active within the Society's regular talks and social events continuing in a reduced role after my graduation, including delivering one short talk on SNMP.

Also toward the end of my 2nd year I became more involved in the Students' Union (SU), including being elected onto the Union's Steering Committee. This role involved working as part of a team who were responsible for running meetings and elections with the SU and ensuring that the Standing Orders of the SU were kept to during Union meetings and elections. We were also responsible for hearing appeals lodged by SU members against officers of the Union. I had a special responsibility for conduction National Union of Students business with the SU, working closely with the SU's President. At the end of my term of office I was awarded an Honorary Life Membership of the SU for my work with this Committee.

My 3rd year also involved assisting once a week with one of the programming practical sessions as part of a 1st year course.

The Blackpool Sixth Form College

Electronics - A
Information Technology - B
Maths - B
General Studies - B
Computing - C

Montgomery High School

10 GCSEs at Grades A*-C including Information Systems at Grade A* and English, Maths and Science (Dual Award) and Grade A

During my final year I was a member of the Senior Prefect Team; a team of 8 pupils elected by the teaching staff of the school to represent the school at official functions and meeting visiting dignitaries. Due to this position, I was also a major part in the school's successful bid to obtain Language College status.